Friday, August 05, 2011

How to debunk cultural white supremacy

I have concluded that ALL white skinned people support in some manner the world wide system of white supremacy, they just pick and choose what degree and what level. For example, some white woman was recently held captive in Somalia and now she wants to return to help with the famine. On the surface this sounds benign but again it goes to show the humbleness, forgiveness, and generosity of white skinned people while all the while their political-economic systems helped create the situation in Somalia and other parts of Africa. This white woman may not consciously acknowledge her role in white supremacy, but it’s there to hide its aggression and intent.

Then you have the so called “white supremacist” whose role it is to divert the meaning of white supremacy away from the social-economic-religious- political systems that support it. For example Stormfront preaches that their goal IS white supremacy. I don’t understand that because their goal has already been reached. Look at who controls the resources of the world, the European Nationals, England, France, Germany, Russia, Australia, the United States, ALL white skinned nations. Therefore I can only conclude that the supporters of Stormfront are either seeking separation from non whites or there purpose is to keep up the deception and division.

In light of my thoughts about white supremacy I’ve concluded in order to combat this global plague, that robs non whites of their spiritual/cultural efficacy, is to fight fire with fire. No not the fire of an automatic weapon, that fight will be too costly and no one will win. We must fight white supremacy with its counter part, the concept of Ma’at. Ma’at challenges white supremacist notions on all fronts, social, political, religious, economic, physical and psychological. It basically debunks the Europeans notions of cultural white supremacy with Truth, Justice, Balance, Harmony, Order, Propriety and Reciprocity. European nationalism can not exist if these values are ingrained and upheld in society as is cultural white supremacy today.

Many may think this an impossible task but it isn’t if implemented over time. In the black community our biggest challenge is to remove the black mind from monotheistic religions and back to spirituality because only with spirituality minus the religious essence of a creator god, can we accept with sincerity Ma’at as a way of life.

Sunday, August 01, 2010


My America the Beautiful

My country tears from me
What happened to democracy?
Of thee I sing
Never finalized far from realized
From mountain to country side
Lost in ambiguity

My country tears from me
What happened to liberty?
Which I never knew
Sit slogans aside one great big lie
White immoral pride
Their freedom to rings

My country tears from me
What happened to morality?
Hung from trees
Smelling in the breeze
Freedom’s song died
Wrong is right, right is might
Dirt for prosperity

My country tears form me
Land where my fathers died
Land that killed my pride
Where white supremacy resides
1608 till 0’10
Of Tis I sing
Of thee I sing

Shabaka 7/10

“Simply, we are all too professional to allow disagreements between BP and any other organization to affect our behaviors," Ryan Urik, a BP well safety adviser working on the Development Driller II, which is drilling a backup relief well, said in an e-mail last week.- From article discussing BP sealing the Deepwater Well.”

The above excerpt taken from an AP article “Congressman: too much dispersant used in oil spill”, by Josef Hebert is my attempt to show two opposing cultural expression and why people like Lincoln, Jefferson and others have thought that African people and European people can not live equally in the same society.

Throughout history there have been conflicts between people of the African phenotype and those of the Europeans. History shows, from the Assyrians, through the Greek, Roman, and Arab invasions of Africa, it has taken pains to obfuscate these conflicts as being cultural, and the reasons why are for another topic. Further, modern history has compressed these conflicts into “racial” ones based simply on how one looks. They were all European types because they needed the African type to have no substantial role in history. They wanted the African phenotype removed to make it distasteful to humanity in both substance and form. To do this culture was removed (because there’s undeniable beauty in all cultures) and replaced with ideas of a “Race” of Africans (Black Race) based on phenotype, which made it easier to demonize because you can see it, make it what you want. However that became problematic because the human beings taste is eclectic, so no phenotype is universality displeasing. It must have been something deeper to promote this idea.

This essay tries to reduce that “something deeper” down to culture, not race, and how cultures think, or in other words, share their Memes over centuries. (Cultural Memes may be incorrect, but it’s more acceptable today than a genetic trait).

The statement in the excerpt that deals with how the three companies are “too professional” to allow disagreement between them is telling of how European cultural Memes are used to foster, for non Europeans, yet hide, for Europeans, the ideas of “race.” BP, Halliburton, and Transoceans are European run companies. They are a microcosm of European world organizational structure. When a serious threat appears, no matter their own disagreement, they will work together because they are “too professional” not to.

Let juxtaposition that against how Africans run/control their countries, or if Black controlled Corporations, how they nearly always need European counsel. There are no two African countries that can work together for any length of time. So far, there are always conflicts and arguments as to how they “feel” about how things should run. To further my point, what do you think African Americans mean when they ask, “do you feel me?” African Americans and Africans will kill because they “feel” someone has disrespected them or they “feel” they don’t have respect from others of a different ethnic group.

To condense the two ideas it boils down to one group is “too professional” and the other “feeling” in their dealing within societies. I suggest that this is basically cultural, but it is made to seem more racial. This is important, because if it were accepted as mostly racial, then that would mean that this concept could be manipulated by social means to comply with phenotypes. That would mean that African people could accept that feeling (emotion) is basically who they are and cognition is foreign or not as important. Europeans would accept that cognition is mostly who they are and feeling is foreign or not as important. That’s why BP, Halliburton and Transoceanic can work together even if they have disagreement. They place cognition over feelings. (Emotion)

This has major implications in society. If African people are stereotyped in the media, educational institutions, and in their own communities as their personal feeling (emotion) being more important than cognition (thinking), they will internalize that feeling is predominately who they are and if they feel like doing something, whether it’s becoming a doctor or a drug dealer act accordingly. The bottom line becomes their individual socialization. But most likely their socialization is the media, educational institutions, and their community, which is mostly controlled by Europeans (over the years the power for shaping children’s ideas has diminished within the family structure, especially in the isolated Black northern “inner” cities) and the European can’t “feel” them, only “think” them, and the African is punished because he than has difficulty living with the European cognitive mode, negating his “feeling” (emotional) mode causing cognitive dissonance.

Why is this in the first place? How can I say such things?

The white man’s burden is the black man’s curse. European culture must suffer the African cultural ideas and the African cultural idea must suffer the attempts of its removal.

Plato expressed the European cultural idea that logic is far superior to [base] emotion.
However the African cultural idea was born out of discussion about life, while the European cultural idea was born out of how to sustain life, strife. This is due mostly to environment. The African cultural idea developed out of Natures bounty and didn’t have to concern itself with daily means of survival. It had time to use equally both the cognitive mind and the emotional mind, balancing feelings with cognition. The European cultural mind had to plot, scheme, deceive, kill to survive, things that had to suppress “emotion.”

Upon contact, it is obvious that they both couldn’t live in the same space, one had to subject the other. Giving their epistemology, which do you think prevailed? This conflict has been ongoing since contact. The ancient (BCE) diffusion of the worldwide African idea needed to be diminished, if not removed, so the European cultural idea (CE) could flourish satisfying it’s natural need for the dominance of cognition over emotion (feelings.)

This conflict, this never ending quest to remove the essential African idea that many people of African descent still carry in their ancestral memory today. This attempt to make it racial instead of cultural thereby promoting the idea that the African phenotype is predominately an “emotional” creature obfuscating the historical evidence that they are both, is why the two cultures cannot live together unless the African cultural idea submits itself making them less human.

Shabaka Tecumseh 8/1/10

Saturday, April 17, 2010

How can I talk about racism?

This is the most difficult part of most people coming to terms with my thinking. Knowing there are everyday white people who have mundane jobs trying to make ends meet and knowing that there are a great many poor white people. How can I talk about racism in light of this and the existence of our black bourgeois and the election of President Obama? How can discussions about the existence of racism be valid?

The answers are complex. However I think the most prominent, and also the most covert, are racial attitudes based in the history of racism. Ideas of place and power rooted in fear and cultural memes. Ideas that are the foundation of this country and ideas that have been built to support its economic and social structures. Ideas of the supremacy of European phenotype and the inferiority of the African phenotype, all on some sliding scale controlled by the European cultural establishment. For example, and with few exceptions, the black Harvard and Princeton grads go to the top of the list with the next tier being the black fraternity and sorority members. They tout what they have learned, given the credential of approval, and moved up the social ladder to” spread the word.” They take their children to museums that show the greatness of the European conquest and how superior their arts and sciences. They encourage the masses of blacks to do the same and debased African thought and culture if not overtly, then covertly by their mere presence and place.

With this social structure in place, even the poor white people are able to maintain a superior social attitude. Those “blacks” credited with being our best and brightest are striving to achieve the given social status of the economically poor white. That’s why Obama can invite a police sergeant to the white house for a beer after he just dissed a Harvard professor (and Obama friend) then everything is OK because white folks feel better. Their cultural power, as expressed through their social order, is not threatened. How do you heal this? How do you get the European phenotype to even acknowledge this social/cultural disorder as a problem when it’s not to their advantage to do so? In fact it may be dangerous to do so because of the violence it may invoke.

However I know that the order of things today stifles this country. It keeps one group comfortable with their privilege, and in turn keeps other groups unable to seriously deal with their social/cultural inferiority complexes, both situations exacerbating a negative environment which hampers productivity and creativeness.

But why do I concern myself with such things, I’m not a black Harvard grad or frat member.

Note: I hope President Obama sincerely felt that inviting the police sergeant to the white house was a gesture of racial healing without any culturally induced notions of white supremacist influence. Albeit hard to accept that premise given his education and surroundings.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


I had four aunts. I remember as a young pre teen these beautiful, tall, slender, yet not small, brown women. I remember going in the bathroom and seeing their silk nylons hanging from some made up stick my grandmother used to whip our asses when we didn‘t listen. I remember sneaking peeks as they were getting dressed to go to work or out on a Saturday night. I remember getting a warm feeling in my pre pubetic groin watching them put on their silk stockings, red fingernails clicking the hooks over the elastic white garter to hold up the black rim hose.

I marveled as they took their time pulling up the shear man made cover over those shapely legs, they seemed to admire their bodies and automatically knew and understand the chemistry that made them woman. Not subservient, not weak, but what Nature intended when it split the hermaphroditic human animal into two entities for better survival, one of testosterone and the other estrogen.

Today as I was riding on the train, two black bodies in military uniform caught my eye. I stared through the window because my brain didn’t agree with my eye. For several minutes I wondered, but then I saw the outline of what appeared to be breast or a flak jacket beneath the camouflage, I settled on breast. As the train pulled out of the station, I reflected on the relationships and attitudes of black, white, and in general, “western” women of today and my aunts of yesterday. Then I really wondered if Nature was able to keep the separation it worked so long and hard to create or was it losing out to anything goes, all that’s good, white feminism, strong black woman material pleasure, all in the name of progress?

Tuesday, April 06, 2010


psy·cho·path (sī'kə-pāth') n. A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse

One reason European cultural thought and behavior must be deconstructed and adjusted, if not eliminated, is because of its psychopathic nature. First we must agree that a CULTURE can have a psychopathic essence. By that I mean that a cultural world view can have a psychopathic nature/foundation. For example here's an expression of that foundation. When the European devised organizations like "Greenpeace" and take on projects like "Save the whales", I contend that their deep seeded motivation is guided by the realization that if the whales go extinct, how far are we behind?

I'm not saying that this is "wrong" or crazy, but what I'm saying is that Euro created organizations like "Greenpeace" don't come into existence BECAUSE of the shear misguided anti nature ideology of European culture, but because of the shared ideological existence of it in the first place. This can be extended to other cultural forms that European cultural thought creates like democracy, freedom, capitalism, religion, from linear ideas of progress, to control of some unknowable future, they all share no remorse or show empathy for their victims, only rhetorical critiques of their behaviors or promises to do better (if they are caught)..

The anti nature stance of European culture has been in existence since the dawn of their history. Where was "Greenpeace?" The Japanese and Inuit ate whale meat for centuries, but commercial exploitation reached its zenith in the early 19th century when the European entered the market. Even today Greenpeace attacks the effects and not the cause of destruction, therefore becoming, in many ways, complacent to the amoral behavior. They can't empathize or even be remorseful of the Europeans cultures behaviors, just rhetorically critical. See world savior and world conqueror are two sides of the same coin.

This example can be extended to the European culture's aggressive criminal behavior towards Blacks, First Peoples, etc. (albeit because of euro cultural imperialism, most of these "conquered" cultures now share many of the same views as the conqueror). But for me the saddest part is that euro liberal and other groups are not only NOT attacking the cause of the destruction, but by not doing so, they are killing "us" as well as themselves, the ultimate psychopathic behavior, yet they still show no remorse or empathy, just ideas of "progress."

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."-Jiddu

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


“Simply put, antimatter is a fundamental particle of regular matter with its electrical charge reversed. The common proton has an antimatter counterpart called the antiproton. It has the same mass but an opposite charge. The electron's counterpart is called a positron.”-Robert Britt, Senior Science Writer, Space.Com

I’ve often wondered if the Universe is full of appositions like matter and antimatter, light and darkness, and cultural apposition? What if the same principals of apposition applied to animals? I’d say to take a quick look, let's take the most obvious in the animal world, humans. We have basically two phenotypes and two cultural world views that appear to be in apposition. We have the quintessential “Northern” European phenotype and world view and the quintessential “West” African phenotype and world view. The obvious physical features of blond hair vs. black hair, thin noses and lips vs. thick noses and lips, melanin deficient skin vs. melanin enriched skin, etc. are surface appositions. But what about the obscure, the ones that goes against the dominate culture's essence? The ones they say don't exist because it would throw unwanted scrunity on them?

Here we have to look at cultural histories or behaviors to find the answers. Here we see that the Northern European culture has distaste for Nature because they try to control it via their techno-mechanical order by one example, creating things “artificial.” (Look in your kitchen cabinet or on television with programs like Nip/Tuck, mechanical dance moves, heavy metal, or European cultural greed). Then in apposition you have the African culture that historically was intone with nature through its rhythmic, synchronistic creations. (Look at African dance, song, dress, and pre-contact worldview)

So what does all this mean to me? First of all it tells me that we have a problem because neither culture understands its role in the universe. Second, it tells me that both of the cultures are necessary to satisfy, what I believe, is the Universe’s prime objective, and that is the quest for balance. However, one culture tries to control Nature, so there’s little hope of it coming to the realization or terms with its role in universal balance on it's own, and the other culture is so psychologically dominated and oppressed that it’s too busy trying to find ways of survival to realize its role in the balance scheme.

I truly believe that European culture essence is out of balance with its techno-material order. It has gone too long unchecked. I further believe that the African cultural essence, if it doesn’t realize its role in Universal balance, it may be too late to stop the other culture from totally destroying it and thereby themselves.

This brings me to my personal notes. This is why I despise White Supremacy and “Negrotism.” Neither serves the purpose for the advancement of our species. White Supremacy is a notion in cultural dominance and “Negrotism” is a notion in cultural submissiveness. Neither seeks balance.

If we are to become a viable species, we need to find our balance in the Universe. We need to learn to live with Nature (of which humans are an intricate part) as well as protect ourselves from Nature without trying to over ride it with an artificial technical material order. If so we will deter destructive wars and acts of unnecessary aggression, while focusing on our own survival as human beings. I think if we don’t realize that appositions need not destroy, but can amalgamate to create a “new universal harmony” and with the proper understanding or our role as matter and anti matter we will make it. Otherwise?

"When the matter and antimatter came into contact they annihilated, and only the residual amount of matter was left to form our current universe," Share says.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Ole Bamba in America

Well Ole Bamba won the Iowa democratic primary. That was something in America for a Black man to win a primary in an almost 100% white state. However my experience with American politics after the 1960’s has been suspect at least. I know that the old elite have always been behind world politics, but in America a new phenomena has taken place. The world elite partnered with the neo-money class and the neo-money class allows the religious powerbrokers more freedom to spew their ideology. This tightens the grip on world domination because all of those groups are headed by Europeans and are determined to keep their hegemony in tact.

So how in the hell does Ole Bamba come into play with his dark skinned half African self? When I look behind the game, I’ve developed a theory of hegemony that can have perhaps two outcomes.

First, given the 2000-2004 electoral faux pas, the idea of a democratic process has suffered. With the elections in Florida and Ohio and the electronic voting machine revelations, the process is in question. With this election cycle there’s a chance to superficially restore to the American political process some semblance of legitimacy. In walks Ole Bama. The process would now appear to work if a half-“Black American” (hypo descent rule would make him all Negro) was elected as the Democratic Presidential Nominee. He would have to beat out a field of all white males and one woman. That would show the world (and put off some American anarchist), how believing in the American systems of democracy, one could achieve social justice in their own country. Would Ole Bamba offer some serious political capital in this presidential race?

Second, I question how far do the powers behind Ole Bamba intend for him to go? Will they allow him to get the nomination and then run him against a humdrum opponent like Giuliani, who wouldn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell against any legitimate white candidate? Then when they fix the “too close to call” election, not too many people will question why a Black man in America lost, we all know there are some “throwback racist,” mainly in the south, in America. Still the process would appear to work for the rest of the world and the elite-money-religious triad would continue have their candidate in office.

Finally, Ole Bamba is safe. If for some reason their scheme doesn’t work, they still have a candidate that will not rock their boat. He may be like the female cop who now holds a traditional male job occupation. She must show that she’s worthy and also get approval of her peers and benefactors. Ole Bamba may turn out to be more aggressive in support of the status quo under the banner of doing his job.

The bottom line is “race” will play a part in America for years to come. It’s a great tool for control and manipulation. It appeals to the emotion, and in television’s Disneyland, emotion trumps reason and critical thinking every time. So it should be interesting and fun to watch how the triad will play the American public this time around. BTW, if you want an example of how control is maintained, no matter the outcome of elections, look at the current Democratic Congress.