Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Why fight it?

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother to write about events and their affect on the black world because the Europeans are doing their best to organize the world in their image This is very similar to that other person we've heard so much about lately, God. Given this, I suppose Christian Nations like the United States, France, Germany, England, etc. can accept what they are doing.

I recently sent emails talking about the Social Security Agreement between the U.S. and Mexico. My friend M, who's a lawyer, tells me that treaties supersede laws, so if “the people” wanted to curtail Social Security funds going to Mexican workers what could the Congress or anyone do except rescind the treaty, and that ain't likely. To appease the public, the congress will probably holler and scream while ending up doing nothing except passing an after the fact law, but remember treaties supersede laws.

It appears that there’s nothing anyone can do to stop the eventual organization of American States from becoming a reality. Our European leaders under the guise of “Americans” are already readying the chips for the tracking passports that will alter the need for borders. We already have NAFTA and other trade and economic pacts with Canada, Mexico and Central America with many South American countries having a different role. Soon we'll be one enormous state needing some type of totalitarian control to keep it organized and "orderly." What's so sad is, good people will welcome it.

Then we have the European Union organizing on the other side of the ocean. I'm sure before it's said and done, they'll even have certain African countries in their "Union."

What about Asia? After the Japanese and the Chinese, having tasted greed and good ole white boys’ capitalism, they'll be pounding on the door of the Euro organizing committees begging to monitor their sphere of influence. India is already on board big time.

However everything doesn’t go smoothly. I suppose it would help when the Euro organizers go after resources of other countries in the world that aren't "on board,” it would be helpful to know who the "good' guys are and the "bad" guys are. I think Christianity will be helpful in this sense and the resources that are controlled by other Christian countries, like those in South America and Russia region, make them communist or something like that. That way we can deal with those "rogue" states, communist, leftist, Islamic extremist, savages, etc. because only the good guys, us, believe in Jesus and have the right vision.

But you know what. In Nature there’s always an apposition because the Laws of Nature seeks balance and those laws are the ONLY ones that supersede treaties. There will always be a country, a group, which will oppose the Euro organizers. However, the European mind is just too slick. Like I said, they'll use and welcome that opposition so they can paint them as all those things I mentioned while recruiting new troops in the process to fight these “evils” and the “War on Terror” until the world is won.

Man can you see how deep the European thought is ingrained in the minds of people? They need power and they need control and most people of the world are willingly going along with it. They need the world to be in lock step with their ideology, to adhere to some mathematical formula instead of some natural phenomenon so they can understand it. Although most of the world understands natural phenomena, the European has t the world believing they need that formula too or else they are uncivilized or something of the sort. The natural rhythms of the drums are nice for a momentary diversion, but when they are getting down to business, for the European mind, only a symphony will do. Only the spirit of the European mind, which created their early myths of bringing order out of chaos, will play on their real life world stage. This is how they see the world and this is how the world will be, even if they have to blow the damm thing up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep fighting the good fight!