Friday, May 25, 2007


Jesse’s at it again. This time he’s fighting for inclusion of Africans on the MLK memorial. I think this is a good fight, and I can’t speak for Jesse, but I’m tired. Hell, I want to fight for the Democratic nomination. I want to fight for no more U.S. imperialism. I want to fight to squash NAFTA and to save the planet, or I want to have the freedom to be secure in not fighting for anything, just knowing my basic interest will always be protected over other cultures. I want these things to be my focus like those of the “privilege” class. I’m tired of fighting for the “rights” of Africans to participate in the society. I’m tired of fighting systematic white supremacy that underhandedly kills our community and progeny. These battles surely help kill my spirit and I’m sure those of other Africans by creating a repudiation of things white.

Far too many blacks choose to ignore, embrace or “act dumb” towards the culture of white supremacy rather than fight it by recognizing and then casting off foreign ideologies that are harmful to African unity. Their only “sane” choice (which is recommended by white supremacist systems) is to be one of the three big “O’s”, Obama, Oprah or Oreo. Wait! There’s another choice and that’s to be like Tyler Perry and dress for success, as a black female of course, and we KNOW, there’s no fight in him unless it’s towards me.

Until I’ve achieved parity in America where I can fight for “white” causes without having to be distracted by those pesky “Black” ones, I’ll pick and chose very carefully. I’ll fight for those “black” causes that dismantle white supremacy; those which are not popular because they are protected by white civic and business interest and reach into the heart of what is and has been wrong with America. Those Causes that cause too much truth bringing out the guilt and shame that is white America. Causes that make white America realize they aren’t as good as they’d like to think and never having been; causes that show the weaknesses of being a “black success” in a white colony. But then again, maybe I should fight Jesse and Al’s type of fight. I’d be more popular and perhaps more wealthy instead of having society often making me feel like Don Quixote’s donkey.

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