Friday, March 23, 2007

What is Wrong With Us?

I truly don’t completely understand Negros.* They complain about the treatment they get from European culture yet they embrace it like there’s no tomorrow. I can understand why white folks ask the question, “What do they want?” Hell, I’d like to know too. What I really think is for some subconsciously and others consciously, is to be white themselves but their color reminds them daily that that can't be, so they try so very fucking hard to put “whiteness” into a black body. Futile, and pretty damn stupid to boot.

What if I drew a picture would that help? Here’s the definition of the Western Cultural World.

Classical definition of the Western world: Most of the depicted countries in blue were predominately influenced by Graeco-Roman culture and Christian and Enlightenment ideals and/or shaped by strong Western European immigration and settlement

The most significant points would be that there are NO blue countries (outside of Europe) on the above map that have black or non white people in charge after they were killed off or colonized. (I’d argue that still includes South Africa). Black people aren’t Greeks (well except the Negros who run around with Greek letters tattooed on their bodies and minds). Black people didn’t participate in the European’s “Enlightenment,” albeit some “intellectual” Black ideas were factored in. Black people didn’t develop the West’s Christian religion, but Black concepts about Nature were desecrated to make Jesus their reality and then we sure as hell plugged into it.

What I’m pointing to here is, Black folks adopted and adapted themselves to the Western Cultural World, and we are NOT HISTORICALLY WESTERN PEOPLE. Since this is true, what the fuck is going on? Why are we so intent on being “Western”? Are we crazy trying to put a round peg in a square hole while the real Western People stay organized and laugh their heads off at how silly we are?

Why isn’t this clear? Why don’t Black people (Africans included) want to embrace African cultural thought? Could it be that our ancestors’ culture has been so adulterated by Western and Arab influences that it has become too odious even for us? Why can’t we put as much effort into revitalizing and building what is truly ours as we do in trying to buy the latest and greatest widget? White supremacy, white media, white nothing controls that decision, only our own minds. So what the fuck is wrong with us? I’d say we don’t want the pain and heartache of reality and for that, I’d say we don’t truly love our children.

* Negros are historical African people who have been assimilated, adapted, or adopted into European or other non African culture without consideration of their historical African cultural essence before contact. Although many Negroes (and Africans) have varying degress of European (or Arab) ancestry, they still shouldn't ignore their African cultural base, especially if they feel different levels of alienation in this culture. For example, not unlike the Mexican who ignores his Indigenous self.

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