Thursday, August 30, 2007


Ever since I can remember Black folks have either had or talked about having a leader. I suppose this tradition comes from the enslaved needing a particular spokesperson to champion their cause. But what about a white leader, a white leader that champions white causes? I’m sure that has not been a problem, white folks have elected their leader every four years. It’s called the presidential elections. I know most folks will say, how can that be when the president represents ALL the people? Well, when you look at things from an unclouded perspective, you’ll see that the president, no matter his political party, represents white folks and oversees the rest of us.

Enter Barack Obama. Here we have, what I believe, is the first really “serious” non white contender to be the voice of white folks. I believe a large number of liberal, progressive, and even some mild conservative whites can stomach Obama as the spokesperson for them. They see it as a win, win. They finally have a “safe” non white person who can champion their values because in part of his white mother and also it can finally, ostensibly, take the stench off of America’s past as having only white men as their leader. This will superficially play well in San Francisco and Baghdad.

Speaking of Baghdad, I spoke to a W.D. Mohammed Muslim the other day and he’s hot for Barack. He thinks that Obama will speak for him and his Muslim community. He told me Obama was their friend. To me that makes no sense what so ever. How does he think Obama can get elected if the majority of voters, who just happen to be white, think he’s a friend to the Muslims community, especially the Black Muslim community, hell what about the Khazar Jews and campaign contributions?

I don’t think Obama will be the spokesperson for the white folk or overseer for the rest of us. I don’t think the majority of white men (and women) can stomach getting up in the morning, turning on the T.V., and seeing their leader in blackface. It would be too uncomfortable and create a serious cognitive dissidence in their psyche of both the loss of white supremacy and should I laugh. Maybe in about 50 years when America has a more balanced electorate and fair voting machines, will there be a non-white white spokesperson. I don’t think Obama will make it this time. Even with his half European self, I’m sure he’s considered as just a more “polished” Rev. Jesse or Rev. Al., another hypocritical symbol of America’s non racist core.

White folks will have a new leader next year and we’ll have a new overseer, but he won’t be in blackface but more than likely wearing a skirt.

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