Sunday, October 07, 2007

Voice in the Wind

Sometimes I feel so alone. One voice, with few echoes in a world that’s so far doesn’t look promising. One voice that constantly preaches caution against European cultural aggression. One voice that is silenced against the volume of media, materialism, and cultural mayhem. Yesterday I spoke with a young person in a coffee shop. He and I agreed that a successful revolution is theoretically improbable in the U.S. He thinks this because his idea of revolution is violent and people will not participate in mass until things have deteriorated where they have no choice or no more stake.

I believe he’s correct, but I also think any revolution will not be possible because those who have the most to lose, the cultural elite, are too fluid. In the past, the cultural elite were confined by time and space. Today, with the advent of computers and financial liquidity, those restraints are all but lifted. If America falls apart, they can move their holdings to a place like Australia. They can live in the relative safety of anonymity in some exclusive European enclave or stay on the move for that matter. Therefore, any physical revolution will only succeed in the death and destruction of the masses, while the elite will allow it to happen, in fact, encourage it because it will continue the illusion that this type of revolution can change the power dynamics.

Further I believe that there was only one true revolution in human history. That revolution took place, and is still taking place, as a gradual process of ideological shift. In plain and simple language it is the changing of the ideological guard from an African to a European cultural world view. I believe to this point in history the reason why this revolution was not as obvious or as deteriorating as it is today is because parts of both world views could co-exist to some extent. But now that the European cultural world view is at it crescendo, it becomes painfully obvious of how it has brought chaos and human nature’s destructiveness into play specifically his greed and need for power and control.

As a note, I’m not saying the African world view is perfect. I don’t have that kind of insight. I’m sure there are aspects that are not conducive for the growth and development of the human spirit, but since it is spiritually based, I think it’s better than what we have. I think with this base, parts of the European cultural idea would present a better solution for the planet. However the cultural elite, which depends on monotheism to keep the masses away from spirituality, rules the day.

So I think any true revolution will have to be ideologically spiritually based. One the cultural elite can’t escape no matter how fluid or autonomous. The masses must not pick up a gun, but an idea. The masses should embrace an idea that we can all live and share the planet in our differences and our sameness because of our connectedness to Nature. But first we must alter the prevailing European cultural idea to fit the needs of the world, a tall order in light of China’s material revolution and Bush’s visit to Australia.

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